Some people are saying that Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner added to a bill, the return of the Death Penalty, to ensure the bill was too toxic to pass through the Illinois General Assembly.
Some people are saying the Bruce Rauner wants a return to the Death Penalty in Illinois as a deterrent to crime, which has long been debunked, because as you should all know by now, people who commit crimes worthy of the death penalty, in states that already had the death penalty on the books, don't have the mental capacity to consider the consequences of their actions anyway.
Perhaps the state should eliminate the HIPPA regulations and open everyone's criminal and psychological records, regardless of age, and single-out clinically diagnosed psychopaths, for immediate extermination. Given Rauner's record, this might be a problem for him personally.
On April 28, 2018, the Illinois Innocence Project held a fundraiser at the Crowne Plaza in Springfield, Illinois. Featured Speakers included Co-Counsel to Steven Avery who was featured in the Netflix Documentary "Making a Murderer", Jerome F. Buting of William & Stilling S. C. of Brookfield, Wisconsin. Author of "Illusion of Justice"
Among the stunning and shocking accounts of miscarriages of justice that were told that night, was the case of Grover Thompson. He walked right into the path of Tim Krajcir and one of Tim's many victims. Of course, Grover was arrested and convicted instead of Tim. Grover died in prison 15 years later.
After all the evidence proved that Grover was innocent, Governor Rauner still denied his exoneration. Why? He probably thinks the state will have to pay the family a huge settlement, which they are due. Why else? I have no idea why Governor Rauner thinks the Illinois Innocence Project doesn't have credibility in his mind, unless he fears what they will find out about him.
As a former member of the IIP, one who learned how to research criminals, I now have an interest in Governor Rauner, personally.
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