Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ashland Incident poised to bring down Illinois

The subterranean infrastructure of Illinois politics is about to get another exposure.

The dirty dealings that got former Governor George Ryan Convicted and then former Governor Rod Blagojevich Impeached, is about to be exposed again through it's lack of action regarding the murder of Steve Watkins in Ashland, Illinois over nine months ago.

According to, the Cass County State's Attorney passed the case off to the Illinois State’s Attorney’s Appellate Prosecutor’s Office, which is said by some people to be a place where cases go to die.

Where they thinking Steve Watkins had no next-of-kin?

The Appellate Prosecutor's office is currently occupied by an individual who, while a Sangamon County Assistant State's Attorney, charged someone with murder who was then incarcerated, but not prosecuted. The state supreme court let the suspect go on for being incarcerated for too long.

This case will grow to include questions about the higher-ups who employed those responsible for investigating and prosecuting this case. The relentless vine of justice climbs higher every day. Every day, Mark Thoma updates the status of the Steve Watkins case from 3 to 6 P.M. on WMAY AM 970


  1. Anonymous12:44 PM

    So sad. We should send letters every week to the Skinner family telling them to confess!

  2. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Very sad! That family should be run out of town as well as that joke of a "Chief of Police"!

  3. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Wasn't there an order of protection or something of the like against him? I heard they were to take the child out to him--why was he in the house? What room was he shot in? Is everything a big secret?

  4. Anonymous5:12 PM

    It is truly a tragedy when "MEN" take an oath to preserve, protect and defend and then turn their backs on MURDER. LOSERS no other way to describe them. The Lord has his way of making things right and now it has come full circle. The murder no matter the intent or circustance has to pay her price. Ashland fire the whole bunch and start over those men have no INTEGRITY or HONOR and will never be trust worthy again.

