Friday, January 16, 2009

Distraught Conservatives Retreating into the Realm of Fantasy

Republican Leader John Boehner complained last night on PBS's News Hour about the bailout.

Really? Really? After six years of majority control, do Republicans have a right to complain about what has to be done to clean up their mess?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


  1. Anonymous10:58 AM

    It was Barney Franks mess. His lover was part of Fannie or Freddie, just like so many dems including Emanual and Obama's housing advisor who walked away with millions. It was 100% the fault of the democrats. period.

  2. You're right! Barney Frank worked to lower lending restrictions at Fannie Mae, then later worked toward regulating the gluttonous executive compensation that resulted from the massive influx of cash. Frank is a jackass for protecting such a huge and dangerous real estate mechanism.

