Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Springfield Gentrification Plan

Springfield requires an overall gentrification along the main roads coming into the downtown area, just to make a nice facade for tourists. What's gentrification?

Gentrification and urban gentrification are terms referring to the socio-cultural displacement that results when wealthier people acquire property in low income and working class communities... -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gentrification

There's a much simpler and cheaper way to do this. Custom design tour buses with blacked-out windows, and video monitors embedded in the back of each seat so the passenger can be distracted by an informational video about the Lincoln Historic Sites.

This way we don't have to make any changes and the poor people can live in their rotting hovels and there will be enough money left for potholes and leaf pickup.

Unless you want to attract more businesses or professionals, then you can just attract them to Chatham or Panther Creek. Problem solved.

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