Friday, February 13, 2009

Chris Matthews Give Hardball Award to Judd Gregg

Chris Matthews give kudos, or what ever you can call it, to Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) for deciding he "couldn't be part of the team." When you watch this video, keep in mind that Barack Obama always wanted dissenting opinions in his cabinet.

Okay, Chris Matthews gives Senator Gregg an award for deciding against becoming a pebble in the shoe of the Obama administration? The whole point was not to join the team and become a "Yes" man. If he paid attention to Obama, he should relish the idea of being a daily thorn in the side of that administration.

So why would Chris Matthews award him for bowing out? Perhaps because it became clear to him that logic and critical thinking would make him an irrevocable fool and he had to get out while he could.

Chris Matthews is a real chump.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:34 PM

    I usually like Hardball...but this award to Sen Gregg is a real joke. Chris Mathews said he gives him this award for having moxey and a willingness to stand up for his beliefs. Ok, wait a minute. If this guy has moxey just why the hell did he string everyone along so long. Why did he initially accept Obama's offer? This is someone who evidently does NOT know what they want and willing to string everyone up in the process while learning what he does want. Chris Mathews: I expected better from you and you failed me and many others tonight!! Hope you get better with you award giving.

