Monday, January 19, 2009

Passive Marginalization

Passive marginalization occurs when an individual or group of people are referenced by their negative experiences more frequently than their positive attributes.

Negative Attributes

Negative attributes are generally any physical attribute that cannot be changed that is different from that of the currently dominant group, or any behavioral attribute that is assumed to be chosen and reinforced that is not consonant with the dominant group.

Negative attributes are entirely subjective and variably meaningful based on the level of exposure and / or education within the dominant group.

The salience or value of negative attributes can be seen as inversely proportional to the education level of people in the dominant group.

Secondary Negative Attributes

Secondary negative attributes are historical references to the dominant group’s previous poor treatment of the minority group.

Projection of progress

Projection of progress occurs when the progress of a dominant group’s behavior toward a minority group is attributed directly to the minority group as its own progress, as if the minority group needed to improve itself. Commonly stated by “They have come along way” rather than “we have evolved to understand and accept them.”

Emotions that marginalize

Emotions such as guilt and fear of retribution act as behavior modifiers effective toward continued isolationism away from members of the minority group. This isolationism occurs on every level and still affects the quality of life for minority groups.

Passive marginalization occurs when a minority group is isolated and identified too frequently by secondary negative attributes and projection of progress.

Example: Chris Matthews on MSNBC covering the inauguration of Barack Obama.


  1. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I always wondered what this was called. I see it all the time in the comments section of the SJ-R and have found the people that employ this tactic aren't interested in having a conversation. They just want their nonsense to be heard.

  2. Anonymous4:57 PM

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