Tuesday, April 29, 2008

C'mon People!

How many times do I have to keep repeating this?

1. You can't blame the Democrats in the House of Representatives for inaction. The Democrats do not have a working majority, they only have a simple majority. A working majority is more than a two-thirds majority, so they can be allowed to follow through on their promises without being blocked by arcane rules.

A fifty one percent majority only shifts the ranking members of the house from one party to the other, then the ranking party is made to look bad because they still don't have enough votes to do anything.

A Quagmire makes for a totally irrelevant government that appears to only be in place to divert the public's attention away from those who are really in control.

Did you ever wonder why all the poll and election results are split down the center within a ten percent margin between them?

This government is done, all that's left are the corporations.

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