Friday, March 28, 2008

I saw someone throw trash out their car window.

2:00 PM Friday march 28, 2008
I saw a Brown Rusty Chevy Caprice Classic, License Plate # X89 1660 heading west on Stanford with two male occupants. When they reached the Wabash-MacArthur intersection, the passenger threw trash out the window over the top of the car. A Brown paper bag (contents unknown), and something like a little white plastic cup (probably for dipping sauce)were the projectiles.

1 comment:

  1. They killed Kenny!

    But seriously, what a neat idea. I once wrote about a state legislator zooming down Macarthur around seventy miles per hour.

    Nothing ever came of it, but at least it made me feel better.

    Now if only we can get someone from DMV to run those plates.

